December 10, 2022 Staging the Self: Reflecting on the things which represent us Well, this post has been percolating for a while! I’m at the stage of my PhD (or maybe just life) where many things are…
June 13, 2022 Classroom Set-ups: Offering ‘Backstage’ Glimpses Through Online Performance Four days until the next wave of Shifting Sands! I think we might actually be back to the beginning now? Either way, if you…
April 25, 2022 Bookish Performances and Hierarchies And, just like that, we’re almost at the end of April. How did that happen? I’m deep in the discussion chapters of my dissertation,…
January 31, 2022 Me, Myself, and the Social Media Archive One of the difficulties of social media is that it simultaneously acts like moments of speech and an archive recording everything you’ve ever posted….
November 8, 2021 Social Performances and Different Stages: The Self Online Last month I talked about the self offline and the respective stages on which we perform for different audiences. Whether at work or at…
October 8, 2021 Social Performances and Different Stages: The Self Offline There are a number of different theories relating to identity. Some are more focused on our personal selves and others look at the public…
July 19, 2021 Author Identity and Online Behaviour I’m quickly approaching a full three years of my PhD, meaning the next step is “write-up” year. My original write-up year plans involved editing…
March 8, 2021 Author Identity and the Education Argument Hi everyone! My apologies for being MIA the past two weeks – there has been a lot going on and I had to have…
January 25, 2021 Story Ideas 1 (a.k.a the Graveyard of Abandoned Drafts, early years) I’m not going to lie, I found myself at a bit of a loss as to what I would write on here this week….
January 18, 2021 Building an Author Brand (Part 3) In this final entry of the Building and author brand trilogy, I’m going to go a bit introspective here and talk about some of the pros and cons of author branding. Also featuring rants about authenticity and mentions of Lucy Daniels.